
Georgia Guidestones Google Earth

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Georgia Guidestones Google Earth. 21 hours ago · the georgia guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in elbert county, georgia, in the united states. Conspiracy theorists point to its writings and its mysterious origin story as proof of a globalist plot to reduce the world population, eliminate national sovereignty, and replace individual rights with a communist dictatorship, … Be not a cancer on the earth — leave room for nature — leave room for nature." the original sponsors of the guidestones have remained unclear since the unveiling of the structure in 1979, along with the structure's actual meaning. A set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts:

1 day ago · a reported explosion wednesday at the georgia guidestones tourist attraction has caused significant damage and police have called a bomb squad to investigate, reports said.

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